Comunicado en inglés sobre las medidas por el coronavirus

Comunicado en inglés sobre las medidas por el coronavirus

Desde el Ayuntamiento han difundido el comunicado oficial con las medidas adoptadas para frenar el contagio del coronavirus en inglés para la comunidad inglesa de nuestro municipio

Por Redacción
viernes 13 de marzo de 2020, 12:58h

Official communiqué from the Town Hall of Alhama de Murcia concerning measures adopted in response to COVID-19


In the light of the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 both worldwide and in the Region of Murcia, the Committee for Security and Health of the Town Hall of Alhama de Murcia met for the second time this morning. It was decided that the following preventative measures should be taken, following the health recommendations of the relevant authorities.

These measures shall remain in force at least until 31st March or until further notification:

- All activities scheduled directly by the Town Hall, and those which are held on municipal premises, are suspended. This includes cultural, sporting, leisure and tourism activities, activities for the elderly, educational workshops, etc.

- All activities in outlying districts are suspended or postponed.

- The following municipal establishments are closed with immediate effect:

• Both infants' schools (Gloria Fuertes and CAI Los Cerezos) (as of Monday 16th March).

• The weekly market on Tuesdays.

• The centre for the elderly in the Parque de La Cubana.

• The municipal library and study room.

• All municipal sports facilities.

• The Escuela Municipal de Música.

• The Los Baños archaeological museum.

• The Ricardo García Redal road safety education centre.

The tourist office: enquiries will be dealt with by telephone.

• The Oficina de Consumo: enquiries will be dealt with by telephone.

• The Ludoteca.

• The Centro Cultural V Centenario ("Casa Amarilla").

• The "La Guarida" Espacio Joven for young people.

• The municipal centre for psycho-social attention (as of Monday 16th March).

- The company contracted to perform cleaning duties at municipal facilities has been instructed to redouble their efforts from Tuesday 10th March onwards, following the recommendations issued by the Federation of Municipalities.

- Further information will be published if there is any change or if new guidelines are issued by the relevant public administration bodies. Users of municipal services who have queries may contact the Town Hall by telephone on 968 630000.

- All residents are advised to minimize the number of visits made to the Town Hall and other administrative bodies, avoiding visiting in person and doing so only when absolutely necessary.

- The Town Hall has adopted internal measures to protect employees, as specified in the Resolution of the Secretary of State for Territorial Policy and Public Functions.

- The local government and the Committee for Security and Health will continue to meet periodically in order to monitor the situation closely and to adopt new measures decided upon by other relevant authorities.

- It is crucial to follow the recommendations of health authorities and to prioritize personal hygiene, especially those related to hand washing. These measures are designed to avoid the further spread of the virus.

For information about the coronavirus call the free 900 121212 line.

If you notice symptoms, call the 112 emergencies line.

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